By 6 months – does the child:
- Startle to loud sudden noises?
- Smile or use other facial expressions to respond to familiar people?
- Coo, babble, and vocalize?
- Respond to his/her name and sometimes to “up”?
By 12 months – does the child:
- Try to imitate simple actions and sounds in turn-talking routines?
- Use a range of simple gestures, e.g. Points, waves bye, shakes/nods head?
- Vocalize to gain your attention?
- Understand a few simple commands when gestures are used, e.g. “come here”?
By 18 months – does the child:
- Communicate for different reasons, e.g. To protest, request things or to be social?
- Use at least 20 single words?
- Respond with words or gestures to simple questions, e.g. “Where’s ball?”
- Follow simple directions, e.g. “show me your nose”?
By 2 years – does the child:
- Frequently try to interact and communicate with you?
- Have a vocabulary of around 100-150 words?
- Use 2 word combinations, e.g. “my hat”?
- Follow simple 2 step commands, e.g. “Get teddy and put him in the bed”?
By 3 years – does the child:
- Create sentences using five to eight words?
- Ask and answer simple questions (who, what, where and why)?
- Talk about past events and tell simple stories?
- Have a wide and varied vocabulary, e.g. labels, actions and description words, etc.?
By 4 years – does the child:
- Speak using almost adult-like grammar and pronunciation?
- Tell stories with a beginning, middle and end?
- Follow directions involving 3 or more steps?
- Listen to books as well as generate rhymes and match some letters with sounds?No – to any of the age appropriate questions on this checklist indicates the need to refer to a Speech-Language Pathologist and/or Audiologist to have the child assessed.
If you have any additional questions regarding
coverage and services, or wish to book an
appointment, please;
Call our Intake Coordinator at:
Rowden & Associates
Rowden & Associates is a private practice with a team of professionals from a variety of disciplines who work collaboratively to address the unique needs of our clients. Clients can work with one or more members of our team of professionals which include: psychologists, speech-language pathologists, therapists, behavioural consultants and special educations teachers. As a multidisciplinary team we are able to consult and collaborate with each other to better service your individual needs from a single location.

341 Main St. N., Suite 200,
Brampton, ON, L6X 3C7